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Interview with students from Rice University Gay Lesbian Support Group. Keywords: This Week in Gay History, Carl Cochran, Controversy, Cruising (1980). Hosts: Lisa Fenton, Ray Hill, Brian McCormack
Keywords: World News, interview with Mark Stevens and Alice Bell Williams about Gay Political Caucus Economic Response Committee, Montrose Symphony Band, Houston Vice Squad entrapment. Hosts: Jack ...
Keywords: Gay World News, Uncle Artie's neighborhood, sound collages of Pacifica recordings on the gay rights movement, including speech by Charles Law. Hosts: Mike Miesch, Art Tomaszewski, Ray Hill
Interview with Toby Johnson, author of Plague: A Novel About Healing. Discussion on lack of funding to end the HIV/AIDS crisis. Interview with students from the Gay Resource Services at the Univers...
Holiday challenges for LGBTQ+people. Keywords: Christmas Eve, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Hermey the Misfit Elf, Austin political news. Hosts: Jack Valinski, Bruce Reeves