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Tribute to Judge Bill Elliott, with a focus on his contributions to the city of Houston. Discussed in the video are his role in the construction of the Astrodome, the Harris County Jail and Prison ...
First segment is a class on Mexican-American literature, second segment is a panel discussion about education followed by individual interviews, third segment is interview with doctor about the pro...
Informational film about the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Cadet Program. The footage opens with speaker discussing the selection of NASA astronaut candidates, followed by a montage of the CAP summer prog...
Congressman George H. W. Bush is interviewed about mass transit in Houston, and the difficulties related to having more than one federal agency involved. He discusses looking for funds within the v...
Television program about the drug problem in Texas. Interviews with student groups and families, with focus on the Laredo Program for drug use and misuse education. The Laredo Program incorporates ...
Silent footage of a fashion show; interview with State Board of Education candidate and Mickey Leland; silent footage of man painting a mural; followed by silent footage of Shriners' parade in down...
This program is a variety show featuring Ron and Patricia Owens. Footage also includes an interview with Bill Gilbreath. Credits: Coakley, Patrick (director), Kidd, Lou (chief cameraman), Breazale,...
This film is a celebration of American soldiers. It discusses American soldiers who were awarded the Medal of Honor. Wars discussed include: the Civil War, the American Indian Wars, the Spanish-Ame...
Narrator Ernesto Victoria discusses a program offered at University of Houston Parent-Child Development Center designed to "promote social and intellectual competence" of children from low-income, ...
This film is "a public education presentation by the Metropolitan Houston Chapter National Foundation-March of Dimes." The topics of birth defects and genetic counseling are discussed.
Italian director Roberto Rossellini discusses a documentary about Rice University and his plans for the future to make films about the Rice University scientists and their research.
Speech by Senator Lloyd Bentsen in tribute to Colonel Bill Bates and his contributions to education in Houston, including his service to the University of Houston, and the Houston School Board.
Titled "Teaching the Brain Injured Child," this film describes learning disabilities and strategies for teaching children with learning disabilities in the classroom. This film is part of the Focus...
Sound only, no picture. A discussion about a program hosted by the University of Houston Parent- Child Development Center designed to promote social and intellectual competence of children from low...