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Tape label information: "6th show." Keywords: National March on Washington, Before Stonewall, National March on Washington (1979), Parkway Athletic Club, Montrose Counseling Center, Lesbians Over A...
Tape label information: "7th show." Keywords: Interview with Pastor Laura and Terry from the Church of Rock, coverage of the March on Washington, message from Whoopi Goldberg to Ronald Reagan, Park...
Tape label information: "8th show." Keywords: Montrose Symphonic Band, March on Washington speech from Jenny Apuzzo, commentary on GLPC (Houston LGBTQ+ Political Caucus), After Hours News, communit...
Tape label information: "16th show." Keywords: Christmas in Montrose, interview with Terry Atkins, Pride Parade Gathering, Program Guide, Larry Flynt, Lining Up for the Camps article, KPFT transmit...
Tape label information: "14th show." Keywords: Montrose Counseling Center, MORE program, interview with Vince Ryan, phone calls from listeners, Christmas in Montrose. Hosts: Buddy Johnston, Allen S...
Complete audio montage frequently played during open of the After Hours series. This extended version includes audio clips from the reports regarding the Stonewall Riots, the March on Washington, H...
Tape label information: "11th show." Keywords: Pat Robinson, George Greanias, AIDS prevention, Parkway Athletic Club, community bulletin board, Church of Rock. Hosts: Buddy Johnston, Alan, Scotty, ...
Tape label information: "12th show." Keywords: Parkway Athletic Club, Michael Wilson, Holistic, Romanovsky and Phillips, personal experiences with homophobia, Dateline, Montrose Counseling Center, ...
Tape label information: "13th show." Keywords: Harvey Milk, George Moscone, Dan White, modern apathy, anniversary of the assassination of Harvey Milk, Dateline, Montrose Activity Center. Hosts: Bud...
"Tape label information: "10th show." Keywords: freedom fighters in South Africa, Pacifica report, interview with Joe Watts, commentary on AIDS, Marion Coleman, runoff elections, Human Rights Campa...
Tape label information: "2nd show." Keywords: Gay and Lesbian Switchboard Houston; interview with the Reverend Jeri Ann Harvey, Metropolitan Community Church of the Resurrection; Mark Schmidt, Park...
Tape label information: "4th show." Keywords: Interview with Bob Hodge, Montrose Counseling Center, Bork confirmation hearings, Before Stonewall, Gay and Lesbian Switchboard, After Hours News, Comm...