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Narrator John E. Jack Kelly tells the story of the Masons in Texas. Credits: McLendon, Donald (producer/director of photography), Coakley, Patrick (editor), Hylenski, Ray J. (editor), Fritz, Tory (...
Keywords: Afterwords, March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay rights, ACT UP, Sexual health. Hosts: Buddy Johnston, Kay Osterg, Brian Keever, Bruce Cook, Rob Ditto, Robert Hess, Bart Lozier
Keywords: Afterwords, March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay rights, Harvey Milk, Ray Hill, Homophobia Report, AIDS research, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Hosts: Kay Osterg, Buddy Johnst...
"The Man and Woman Next Door" by Romanovsky and Phillips. Keywords: Relationship abuse, Emotional abuse, Physical abuse, Times of Harvey Milk. Hosts: Bruce Reeves, Larry, Judy, Ben
Tape label information: "From the Buddy and Jimmy era - phone calls - Why I like After Hours. Copy of "Johnny, Are You Queer" by Josie Coften. Pat Parker - "For the Straight Folks." Allen, "We're ...
Interview with Holly Hogrobrooks and Otis King about the sit-in protest at Weingarten's supermarket. Hogrobrooks begins by discussing the history of sit-in protests in Houston, beginning with Texas...