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Tape label information: "'This Way Out,' Guest: Gary Lee, president of G/L Switchboard, talks about reports of hate crimes, segment honoring B.J. Sommers and others who have died of AIDs, news and ...
Tape label information: "'This Way Out,' Guests: Cindy Cuellar of the Bowling Leagues, Jazz Paz talks about book she is writing." Hosts: Bruce Reeves, Judy Reeves
Tape label information: "'This Way Out,' Call-in by Q-Patrol, Guests: Betty of Juliet's and Nancy Ford talk about bar and fundraiser, Bob Robertson for PWA Coalition talks about upcoming fundraiser...
Tape label information: "This Way Out, QMZ, Guests: Jim Carker(?) point of view on AIDs spending, Scooter [Scott Lewis] about events at City Hall over John Goodman's anti-AIDs comments." Hosts: Dia...
Tape label information: "This Way Out, QMZ, Guests: Rusty Smith of Stonewall Recovery talks about loving ourselves, Gloria Rubrac and Sara Cat talk about coordinated effort to protest in River Oaks...
Tape label information: "This Way Out, QMZ, Guests: Women's Action Coalition (WAC) talk about their formation and actions during RNC, discussion of current events, RNC, etc., discuss Buddy Johnston...