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Doris Childress reviews the 77th Texas legislative session with Harvey Kronberg, the Editor for The Quorum Report, Dave McNeely, Political Columnist for the Austin American-Statesman, and Jay Root,...
Doris Childress interviews Representative Scott Hochberg, Representative Barry Telford, and State Senator Todd Staples about education in Texas, and the shortage of public school teachers.
Patricia Gras interviews State Senator Florence Shapiro, Representative Pete Gallego, and Representative Debra Danburg about campaign finance reform and election reform in Texas.
Patricia Gras interviews State Senator Teel Bivins, Representative Richard Noriega, Representative Fred Brown about improving higher education in Texas, and the funding needed to do so.
Doris Childress interviews State Senator David Sibley, Representative Fred Bosse, Representative Brian McCall about various state agencies up for review by the Sunset Advisory Commission.
Doris Childress interviews Representative Warren Chisum, Representative Judy Hawley, and Representative Tracy King about the current state of rural communities in Texas, and the various issues they...
Doris Childress interviews Representative Pat Haggerty, Representative Harold V. Dutton, Jr., and Representative Joe Nixon about the Texas prison system, especially in light of the escape and recap...
Doris Childress interviews State Senator David Bernsen, Representative Talmadge Heflin, and Representative Richard Noriega about the Children's Insurance Plan, and the pros and cons of insuring Tex...
Patricia Gras interviews State Senator Jon Lindsay and Representative Ron E. Lewis about Texas plans to meet the demands of the Clean Air Act. Episode includes a segment focused on Houston's "Mothe...
Doris Childress interviews Representative Fred Brown and Representative David Farabee about measures to increase diversity on university campuses in Texas, a proposal to tier Texas colleges and uni...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Segment on filmmaker/actor/costume designer Randall Smith and his documentary-style film about the 1900 Galveston hurricane; segment on people who c...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Patricia Gras interviews Vanessa Leggett on Doris Angleton’s murder, and her involvement in investigating and researching the case against Robert An...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Tea room; horticultural therapist; ceremonial masks; Ruthie's Pit Bar-B-Q; Beer Can House; exhibit of art inspired by Rome; exhibit of art related t...
Patricia Gras interviews Representative Sylvester Turner and Representative Debra Danburg about Governor Bush signing the Texas Utilities Deregulation Bill, and plans for Texas to be fully deregula...
Doris Childress interviews Representative John Culberson and Representative John Davis about proposed constitutional amendments in the upcoming election.
Doris Childress interviews Representative Garnet Coleman, Representative Patricia Gray, Representative Robert "Robby" Gray about Texas funding and legislation around mental health. Includes segment...
Final episode of TV Montrose, message from Carlos Campos, coverage story about gay hotel in Galveston involving local protests and hardships after renovation and opening, clips from Houston Pride B...
Doris Childress interviews Representative Rick Noriega, State Senator David Sibley, and Representative Debra Danburg about the basics of utility deregulation in Texas.
Clips from Fourth of July and "Lost in Space" celebration at Rich's, replayed clips of TV Montrose shows 13-18, clips from previous year's Construction Building Pride Party, a look at previous year...
Clips from "Bunnies on the Bayou" event, promotion of TV Montrose renaming to Out TV, clip from "STEAM: The Turkish Bath," animated contributing story called "The Funeral," replay of story about Be...
Patricia Gras interviews Representative Pat Haggerty, State Senator Mike Jackson, Representative Jessica Farrar about crime and the prison system in Texas. Also discussed in the episode are the cur...
Patricia Gras interviews Representative Jim Pitts, Representative Fred Bosse, and Texas Y2K Director, Shannon Porterfield about what Texas legislators are doing to prepare for the Millennium bug.
Coverage of the gala for the Human Rights Campaign, Galluccio family documentary about a gay couple's adoption story. Additional keywords: Dan DeLeon, Suzanne Anderson, Donna Red Wing, Jon Gallucci...
Doris Childress interviews Texas Deputy Comptroller Billy C. Hamilton about cutting government spending, increasing taxpayer awareness, and making Texas schools accountable and productive.
"A Night in Style with Patti Labelle" segment with prize winners, interview in Sonoma restaurant, interview with Oscar nominee "Pud" Cusack, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLA...
Clips and interviews from local model search, replay of "Time Travel" performance by the Gay Men's Chorus of Houston, clips and interviews from Let Us Entertain You (LUEY) event at Rich's, clips fr...
"Always My Kid: A Family Guide to Understanding Sexuality" segment about homosexuality and religion with commentary from ministers about different topics like sodomy, gay marriage, scriptures, and ...
TV Montrose History recap segment of stories including coverage of the 1998 Lesbian Health Fair, clips and interviews from the Bering Memorial United Methodist Church's Spring Festival and Houston ...
Doris Childress interviews Representative Rene Oliveira, Representative Dennis Bonnen, and Representative Brian McCall about potential tax relief for small oil and gas producers, and various other ...
TV Monstrose History segment with recap of TV Montrose 1998 stories including clips of a park in Cherryhurst, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) sponsored photo exhibit call...
Unveiling of the logo for Pride 1999 with interviews from meeting attendees, interviews with nominees for Grand Marshall, celebration for the opening of Bank United buildings in Montrose, interview...
Doris Childress interviews Representative Scott Hochberg, Representative Dora Olivo, and Representative Paul Sadler about current issues facing public education.
Doris Childress interviews Albert Hopkins, Director of the Governor's Budget Office, Eric Wright, Director of the Senate Finance Committee, and John Keel, Director of the Legislative Budget Board, ...
Patricia Gras interviews State Senator J. E. "Buster" Brown, State Senator Kenneth Armbrister, and Representative Robert "Robby" Cook about the implementation of a new water management plan.
Clips from 1999 Mr. Gay Houston USA Pageant show with interviews from contestants, interview about the opening of new Bank United buildings, Focus on Art at the play "End of the World Party" with c...
Doris Childress interviews State Senator Bill Ratliff and Representative Robert Junell about a new, rewritten state constitution to be discussed at the 76th Legislative Session.
Inside look at Club Picasso and Guava Lamp with interviews from workers about the club scene, footage from Club Picasso and Guava Lamp, Focus on Art segment on gay and lesbian art memorabilia from ...
"Reds from Out of the Blue" feature story that talks about gay life in Russia, interviews with Russians who are a part of the gay community about LGBTQ+ culture in the country. Additional keywords:...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Patricia Gras interviews Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa discussing peace agreement with Israel signed in 1979; Patricia Gras interviews Israel...
Feature story about World AIDS day "Day Without Art", clips "I Think I'm Paranoid" play from the Queer Arts Collective, tribute to Irvin Decker, replayed segment about the Houston Pride Band and Ga...
Feature story about Chapter 42 and what is Reasonable & Responsible with Newtown Association, interviews at a meeting discussing Chapter 42's redevelopment plan, FUEL 1 year anniversary party at Ri...
Debut of "Focus on Health" segment about the Houston Buyers' Club, promotion for "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss" for TV Montrose at the Movies, Contributing Story about Women's Fest 1998 and the At...
"Focus on Art" segment at Lobo Café about pencil art, Interview with Molly Schnitzer about changes happening at Baba Yega's restaurant, feature story about the Houston Pride Band and Gay Men's Chor...
Music video recap of 1998 stories on TV Montrose, Community Mic at Baba Yega's, clip from Italian movie "Life is Beautiful," feature story about how the LGBTQ+ community was affected by Matthew She...
Clips from Empowered '98, Community Mic about opinions on TV Montrose and the LGBTQ+ community, interviews from company/vendor representatives at Empowered '98, first ribbon cutting for Gay and Les...
Doris Childress interviews Representative Kenneth "Kim" Brimer, Representative Steven Wolens, Representative Tony Goolsby about issues to be discussed at the 76th Legislative Session, such as utili...
Behind the scenes at TWIT (This Week in Texas), the oldest free, statewide, LGBT publication. 11 News segment about TV Montrose, behind the scenes footage of Suzanne Anderson, Kim Sevier, and Steve...
Hosts discuss urgent need for advertiser support. CNBC segment on Walter Schubert, first openly gay member of the New York Stock Exchange, who is starting an investment firm targeted towards the ga...
Behind the scenes at Dallas and Houston offices of the Texas Triangle, the only Gay & Lesbian statewide newspaper in the country. Promo for the Greater Houston Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce E...
Interview with Arriana Huffington, in Houston as the keynote speaker for the Log Cabin Republicans conference, movie previews, Dallas Turtle Creek Chorale music video portraying gay marriage, comed...
Special episode. Steve Baker presents 1994 documentary "Always My Kid: a family guide to understanding homosexuality" in "response to those in our society that want to find weapons within the Bible...
Comedian Vickie Shaw at The Laugh Stop, movie previews, and interview with Mayor Lee P. Brown about his campaign promises to the LGBTQ community. Additional keywords: Suzanne Anderson, Dan DeLeon, ...
J.C. Michelak reports from Mayor Lee P. Brown's appearance at the Greater Houston Lesbian and Gay Chamber of Commerce, Empower expo 1998 footage, Rich's staff interviews in advance of their 15th an...
Dan DeLeon and Kim Sevier report from River Oaks Theatre with the alternative movie spotlight, "Lesbian and Gay Voices" Radio show promotion. Additional keywords: Dan DeLeon, Kim Sevier, Jack Valen...
Bridget Holmes reports from celebration marking the opening of a new HEB, Queer Artists Collective Rehearsals, fire in local house coverage, "Smoke Signals" and "Polish Wedding" trailers. Additiona...
Fourth of July coverage, and Houston Pride Parade coverage. Additional keywords: Suzanne Anderson, Michael Bailey, Steve Baker, Robin Hoods, Dan DeLeon, Kim Servier.
Coverage about a collaborative exhibit at the Menil Collection, clips and interviews from the Human Rights Campain winter gala, investigative report about dog feces, clips from city council chamber...
"Time Travel" by Gay Men's Chorus of Houston followed by interview with chorus president Tony Adam and artistic director Dave Faber, Body Positive Houston Wellness Center opening, Sheila Jackson Le...
Nancy Ford at Pride kickoff party featuring Mayor Lee P. Brown, scenes from Pride festival at park, Houston Press personals, Wigs on Fire party at Rich's, Astroworld controversy. Additional keyword...
Four month TV Montrose anniversary, interview with Ernie Manouse and other committee members and artists about "Pumped up on Art" fundraiser which used celebrity shoes transformed into art, Countdo...
Kim Sevier and Suzanne Anderson at the Angelika Theater, Steve Baker interviews Jack Valinski about Roast of Ray Hill at MCC Church, Nancy Ford stand-up, Houston Gay and Lesbian Democratic Politica...
Kickoff of Gay and Lesbian Film Festival at Stages Theatre, the Buzz interviews, including with director and star of American Cowboy, behind the scenes from radio interview at 107.5 The Buzz, scene...
Scenes from Houston AIDS walk at the convention center, Steve Baker interviews former Pride committee member Jack Valinski about the history of the Pride parade, coverage of Gay and Lesbian Film Fe...
Suzanne Anderson interview with Assist Hers organization, astrology overview, Bridget Holmes interviews Pride co-chairs Tina Travis and Jim Shumsky, interview with Dayna Steele about radio show "th...
New location of TV Montrose, live reports from street festival, "The Worst Thing You Could've Told Me" play at The Little Theater Downstairs, pride committee merchandise, interview with make-up art...
Suzanne Anderson and Bridget Holmes open the show from Rich's bar, After Hours interview about the show and the city's activists, interview with journalist J. C. Michelak, former Voice journalist a...
Kim Sevier and Suzanne Anderson open the show from the Art Car Museum, followed by coverage of the Art Car Parade. Jama Shelton reports from the pancake breakfast Bering Memorial United Methodist C...
Kim Sevier and Suzanne Anderson open the show from Chelsea Market. Steve Baker interviews "Shades of Grey" music group, HATCH (Houston Area Teen Coalition of Homosexuals) youth group meeting, and b...
Hosts Kim Sevier and Suzanne Anderson start the show from Sam Houston Park, Black Party at Rich's and Pacifica Street bars, scenes from Earth Day festival, visual arts exhibit discussing transgende...
Suzanne Anderson reports from her Neartown Little League T-ball game and interviews players, parents, Annise Parker and Ed Gonzales, Bunnies on the Bayou annual Easter Sunday party for LGBT communi...
Hosts Suzanne Anderson and Kim Sevier ride the Hermann Park train, interview with LOBO Book Shop owner Larry Lingle about the store's new coffee shop, nationally ranked wheelchair basketball team t...
Hosts Suzanne Anderson and Kim Sevier interview general manager from Montrose restaurant La Strada and reporter Bridget Holmes speaks with diners and chef. Steve Baker interviews The Pharm Boys, Re...
AIDS Quilt and description of services at the West Gray Multipurpose Center, “Love Makes a Family” exhibit sponsored by Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) at Stages Theater,...
Menil Collection Bill Thompson guides hosts Suzanne Anderson and Kim Sevier through the museum's collections and Rauschenberg exhibit. Human Rights Campaign Annual Winter Gala; humorous investigati...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Jacob’s Well in Wimberly, Texas and conservations efforts of groups like the Wimberly Valley Watershed Association; interview with artist Rick Grigs...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Report on Greensheet and "The Youth Scoop" Creative Writing Workshop; Refined Images Fragrance Company and perfume manufacturing in Houston; The Jaz...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Patricia Gras reports on Dr. Alan Blum of Doctors Ought to Care and his approach to changing public attitudes toward smoking; Polish Catholic artist...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. "Secret Museums" focused on Museo Guadalupe Aztlán in the East End; "Breakthroughs in Medicine" focused on Houston's first P.E.T. Scanner; exhibit o...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Battle of Wounded Knee and stories about it from Celane Not Help Him and Marie Not Help Him of the Pine Ridge Reservation, and sculptor Walter Stewa...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. "Secret Museums" focused on the Houston Art Car Parade and Museum; "Breakthroughs in Medicine" focused on lymphedema treatments; "Amazon" IMAX film;...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Cut from "Escape from Affluenza"; "Chicago" comes to town and Ernie Manouse interviews Alan Thicke; UNICEF's focus on children; "Face of the Gods: A...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Jimmy Carter and Habitat for Humanity; segment on HIV and AIDS in the African American and Hispanic communities; another Habitat for Humanity segmen...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Blaffer Gallery exhibit “Putt Modernism”; “WNE Families with Paula Heming”; interview with musician Changlu Wu; segment on Governor Bush, possible f...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. “Secret Museums” segment on cars from the 1920s to 1960s; “Secret Museums” segment on the Holocaust Museum; “Secret Museums” segment on the human bo...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Entire tape is a report on Kid Care, and Carol and Hurt Porter, in Houston. Additional focus on Health Buggy.
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Drug-free business alliance; vision problems; Houston Women's Caucus for Art "Mother Earth" sculpture to raise awareness about breast cancer; ballet...
Work tape, contains multiple unrelated segments. Painter Robert Williams, paints with mouth because he is paralyzed from the neck down; Pignetti's restaurant; Blossom Street Art Gallery sculpture p...