Fournet, Robert

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Center for Public History, University of Houston; University of Houston Libraries, University of Houston
This is an oral history interview with Robert Fournet conducted as part of the Houston History Project. Robert Fournet graduated in 1952 from Southwestern Louisiana Institute with a degree in geology, during his college years he did some roustabouting and roughneck work. Upon graduating he worked for Superior Oil Company as a roughneck, but was soon called into service with the Navy for a year. When he returned he went to work for Hycalog for two-thirds of a year and then for Eastman Oil Well Survey Company, where he stayed for 10 years. After leaving Eastman, he took a job with Directional Engineers, Inc., where he developed and operated a surveying division for eight years. His wife and he formed the Bob Fournet Company and bought the division he had been operating at Directional Engineers, they ran the company for 25 years, until they sold it in 1996 to a Canadian company. Mr. Fournet stayed on with the company for two more years as a consultant before retiring in 1998. He talks at length about the early offshore industry, particularly about specific companies. He then discusses his own company. Interviewer: David DiTucci, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Energy development; Petroleum industry and trade; Fournet, Robert
Lafayette, Louisiana
Oral Histories from the Houston History Project
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
Rights Statement
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted


University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
Houston History Archives
Oral Histories from the Houston History Project
Other Identifier
Preservation Location: ark:/84475/pm2559q339g
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