Eugene Aubry
- Date
- Main contributors
Aubry, Eugene; Essinger, Catherine
- Summary
Eugene Aubry interviewed by Catherine Essinger. Aubry discusses his influences growing up in Galveston, his architectural practice, a partnership with S. I. Morris and with Howard Barnstone, and select projects. Additional keywords: Tin movement, Architectural firms, Rothko Chapel (Houston, Tex.), Transco Tower (Houston, Tex.), Clayton, Nick, Barnstone, Howard, Menil, John de, Menil, Dominique de, Morris, S. I., Rice University. Media Center, Pei, I. M., 1917-, Colaco, Joseph P., Mashburn, Joe, Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 1908-2004, Stoller, Ezra, Swan, Simone, Gehry, Frank O., 1929-, Johnson, Philip, 1906-2005, Contemporary Arts Museum, Burgee, John, 1933-, Wortham Theater Center, Glassell School of Art, Barbara Fendrick Gallery, Paley, Albert, Holmes, Ann, Nevelson, Louise, 1899-1988, Ball High School (Galveston, Texas), Zwiener, Charles, Keeland, Burdette, Palmer, Don, Rosenburg, Adrian, Bolton, Preston, Neuhaus, Hugo, Manley, John, Bellows, Warren, Rice University Art Barn, Garrett, Pete Ed, Harris Co. Center for the Retarded, Denny Kempner House, Vassar Place Apartments, Roy Avenue Townhouses, Awty International School, Central Public Library, Hennington, David M., Walsh, Sally, Julia B. Ideson Library, Claes Oldenburg Geometric Mouse, Columbia Central Library, Selby (Florida) Library, Jenkins, William (Bill), Adler, Gail F., Adler, Louis, Masterson, Harry, Wortham, Rusty Cizik, Robert (Bob), Esperson Building, Daniels, Myra Janco, Naples Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Artis-Naples.
- Genre
- Subjects
Architecture; Tin houses; De Menil House; University of Houston; Rice University
- Locations
Galveston, Texas; Houston, Texas
- Collection
Building Houston
- Unit
William R. Jenkins Architecture, Design, and Art Library
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Notes
William R. Jenkins Architecture, Design & Art Library
Building Houston
- Other Identifier
Preservation Location: ark:/84475/pm74407z489
- Resources
- Permalink
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.