Almanac, Episode 332
- Date
- Main contributor
KUHT-TV (Television station)
- Summary
The first segment is a discussion about controversies surrounding the monorail in Houston with Tom Stone, president of the Transportation Group, Inc., the company contracted to help build the monorail. The second segment is an interview with officers Jerome Moon and Jose Dominguez about the Houston Police Department's recruitment drive and its efforts to hire 250 new police officers. The third segment covers redistricting efforts in Houston, with Mark [Marc] Campos of the Southwest Voter Registration Project. In the fourth segment, Patricia Gras hosts a panel about Houston's business dealings with Japan with Laurel Brubaker Calkins of the Houston Business Journal, Jim Kollaer, president of the Greater Houston Partnership, Yoshio Mita of Mitsubishi International Corporation, and Hiroki Sakamoto, Chief Executive Director of the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO). John Davenport provides commentary on how to solve the jail crowding crisis.
- Contributors
Ryan, Pat; Booth, Ward; Houston, J. D.; Gras, Patricia
- Genre
television programs
- Subjects
Stone, Tom; Moon, Jerome; Dominguez, Jose; Campos, Marc; Brubaker Calkins, Laurel; Kollaer, Jim C.; Mita, Yoshio; Sakamoto, Hiroki; Davenport, John; Monorail railroads; Public television
- Location
- Collection
KUHT Film and Video
- Unit
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Physical Description
- Notes
This item is from an archival collection and may contain content which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.
Digitization and access for this item is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and Texas State Library and Archives Commission (2017).
- Other Identifiers
Other: ID 1997-006a, AV Shelving; Preservation Location: ark:/84475/pm71676v803
- Resources
- Finding Aid
- Permalink
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.