What is a literature review?
- Date
- Main contributor
University of Houston Libraries, University of Houston
- Summary
This video provides a definition of a literature review, the elements of a well crafted literature review, and questions to consider when writing a literature review. Keyword: literature review
- Contributors
Arellano-Douglas, Veronica; Lazo, Mauricio; Hernandez, Carolina
- Publisher
University of Houston Libraries, University of Houston
- Genre
instructional materials
- Subjects
Teaching & Learning, University of Houston; Research
- Location
Houston, Texas
- Collection
Research Conversations
- Unit
University of Houston Libraries Teaching & Learning
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Notes
University of Houston Libraries Teaching & Learning
Research Conversations
Rights Holder
University of Houston Libraries, University of Houston
Series Title
Research Conversations
- Resources
- Permalink
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.