Smith, Latisha
- Date
- Main contributors
Center for Public History, University of Houston; University of Houston Libraries, University of Houston
- Summary
This is an oral history interview with Latisha Smith conducted as part of the Houston History Project. Dr. Latisha Smith was born in Detroit, MI, attended Michigan State for undergrad then Hahnemann University in Philadelphia for medical school. She returned to Michigan for her residency and training where she specialized in internal medicine. Dr. Smith discusses her influences in going into the medical field. She focused her early career on public health service, moving to different communities in need throughout the United States. She moved to Houston in 1997, where she was hired by the University of Texas Medical School as an assistant professor and working with patients in the hyperbaric chamber. Dr. Smith also talks about her experiences as an African American physician, obstacles that she had to overcome, and positive changes for African Americans in the field of medicine. Interviewer: Lauran A. Kerr-Heraly.
- Genre
- Subjects
African Americans; Civil rights; Smith, Latisha
- Location
Houston, Texas
- Collection
Oral Histories from the Houston History Project
- Unit
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Notes
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
Houston History Archives
Oral Histories from the Houston History Project
- Other Identifier
Preservation Location: ark:/84475/pm7337vp624
- Resources
- Finding Aid
- Permalink
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.