Téllez, Thomas
- Date
- Main contributors
Center for Public History, University of Houston; University of Houston Libraries, University of Houston
- Summary
This is an oral history interview with Thomas Téllez conducted as part of the Houston History Project. Tom Téllez is an internationally renowned track coach who athletes have won a considerable amount of medals in national and international competition including the Olympic Games. The interview traces his life youth in southern California through his retirement from the University of Houston as track coach. Interviewer: Ernesto Valdés.
- Genre
- Subjects
Sports; Téllez, Thomas
- Location
Houston, Texas
- Collection
Oral Histories from the Houston History Project
- Unit
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
- Language
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Notes
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
Houston History Archives
Oral Histories from the Houston History Project
- Other Identifier
Preservation Location: ark:/84475/pm0477sn467
- Resources
- Finding Aid
- Permalink
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.